Tuesday, November 10, 2009


To all our family, friends and prayer warriors, please keep us in your prayers. God is taking us deeper into new nations. God has made a miracle happen for us and is sending us into Canada to jump start revivals! In the past, Pastor Robert ‘Battle Ax’ had not been able to receive his passport from the U.S. and this has kept the ministry from ministering in Canada. But thankfully for God’s grace, mercy and all of our friend’s prayers; the Canadian Government granted permission for the entire S.O.G. Crew Family to enter into their providences and minister the gospel through hip hop and the Word! Now we’ll be reaching out to communities in 7 different Native Canadian Indian reservations with a team of friends! Only by God could this happen! So, we thank you all for pushing us through prayer to go even further than the United States to spread the gospel through music. We want even more of God! So, keep praying for us as we are praying for you all. We are thankful for you. If you are in Canada and need us in your area; call us: 714-808-3458. We bless you

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