Saturday, March 6, 2010


Last night, March 3rd, 2010, newest member and close friend of The S.O.G. Crew, Lezette Garza hosted a mini revival/bible study at her place in Thousand Palms. Through an evening of studying, prayer and worship, Pastor Robert received a word from God for the people; restoration of the father's heart to the sons and the son's to the fathers. It brought a miracle so great it could only have been God! All who showed up were in complete agreement for God to do as he pleased. Children from the ages of 9 all the way up to 55 year old believers agreed that it was time for people to reconcile themselves with their families before the eventual day of our Lord's coming. Everyone shared their struggles with family members and agreed that last night was the night that God would restore everyone's hearts towards each other. All in agreement and in high hopes brought change to one particular person's heart, Lezette's uncle. He has been at war with his siblings for years now and it has torn their family apart so much that Christmas wasn't the same anymore because no one wanted to see each other because of the hurt caused by words. Now he is in the hospital with pneumonia, liver and kidney problems and Lezette and her family had been praying for him because the doctors are not certain how much longer he has. Here is where the miracle takes place. Lezette and her family received the Word of God in their hearts and made a decision to see that the Word come true for them. Before the evening was done, Lezette's mom ran out the door and straight to her brother and siblings in the hospital, whom had not seen each other for years. As she rushed by the waiting room, her siblings cried at the sight of her saying, "oh, we're so glad you actually came! He's been asking for you! He's been praying you'd come!" She rushed past them and straight to her brother's room; she seen him lying there with his eyes closed. She quietly came in and approached his bedside. She laid her hand on his hand; he opened his eyes and began to cry. He began to sob and repent to his sister for all the years of words that he said that he didn't really mean. He asked for forgiveness for making the families hurt and pull away from each other. He wants her and his siblings in his life and couldn't go another day without them. ... God softened his hard heart and brought this family back together!!! Why would any person who believes the Day of the Lord is coming soon waste another minute in anger, bitterness or unforgiveness towards their family member or friend? It's not worth it and there's no time to waste. God is opening up hearts in the Coachella Valley and restoring families heart's towards one another. For over two years we have been working in the Coachella Valley, laboring and sowing to see God restore healing to the area; and now it has come! We want to help the area by bringing teachings of evangelism and studies in the Word. Please come join us next Wednesday at the same location to receive a miracle and change in your heart, and in your family, and in your neighborhood! We'll be at: 30706 Robert Road, Thousand Palms, CA 92275 at 7:00 pm.every Wednesday. Come pray with us, learn with us and worship! We'll see you there!

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